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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 68, Issue 6, pp. 1503-1806

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Electric Discharge Sintering: A Mathematical Model

G. A. Kriegsmann

pp. 1503-1517

Numerical Tests of a Phase Field Model with Second Order Accuracy

Gunduz Caginalp, Xinfu Chen, and Christof Eck

pp. 1518-1534

Time Reversal Focusing of the Initial State for Kirchhoff Plate

Kim Dang Phung and Xu Zhang

pp. 1535-1556

Electrical Impedance Tomography by Elastic Deformation

H. Ammari, E. Bonnetier, Y. Capdeboscq, M. Tanter, and M. Fink

pp. 1557-1573

Effective Transport Equations and Enhanced Backscattering in Random Waveguides

Josselin Garnier and Knut SØlna

pp. 1574-1599

Competitive Exclusion of Microbial Species for a Single Nutrient with Internal Storage

Sze-Bi Hsu and Ting-Hao Hsu

pp. 1600-1617

Existence, Uniqueness, and a Constructive Solution Algorithm for a Class of Finite Markov Moment Problems

Laurent Gosse and Olof Runborg

pp. 1618-1640

Incipient Dynamics of Swelling of Gels

Hang Zhang and M. Carme Calderer

pp. 1641-1664

A Mathematical Model for the Control and Eradication of a Wood Boring Beetle Infestation

Stephen A. Gourley and Xingfu Zou

pp. 1665-1687

The Frederiks Effect and Related Phenomena in Ferronematic Materials

V. I. Zadorozhnii, T. J. Sluckin, V. Yu. Reshetnyak, and K. S. Thomas

pp. 1688-1716

Models of Virulent Phage Growth with Application to Phage Therapy

Hal L. Smith

pp. 1717-1737

Transport-Based Imaging in Random Media

Guillaume Bal and Kui Ren

pp. 1738-1762

Time-Local Dissipative Formulation and Stable Numerical Schemes for a Class of Integrodifferential Wave Equations

C. Casenave and E. Montseny

pp. 1763-1782

An Interaction Theory for Scattering by Defects in Arrays

I. Thompson and C. M. Linton

pp. 1783-1806